Low Poly Models World is pleased to have designed Indie Village for #MAW #MetaverseArtWeek #Decentraland. For a quick recap of our work on this years Decentraland Metaverse Art week themed, 'The World is made of code' please enjoy the following galleries and installations curated by Jess Conatser of Studios as we are and Bay Backner of Vueltta.
#IndieVillage, #SohoROW and #CADAF
#SohoROW Featuring, Breezy Art, Studios as we are, TokenTraxx, TheVerseVerse and Vueltta installations.
Immersive Park installation by: Xeleven

Collections curated by: Studios as we are in our "Soho Row" of Galleries Current Exhibition: “Come Together” — Explore a collection of digital art & NFTs by artists who dare to dream of a more inclusive Web3 space. Artists: Aoife O’Dwyer, Cory Haber, Daniel Barreto, Eugene Sharpe, Harshit Agrawal, Kristal Melson, Laura Shepherd, Marissa Sher, Natalia Stuyk, REO, Riniifish, Ronen Tanchum, Rory Scott, Sasha Stiles, Yulia Dotsenko & more.
Live Concert at Sparrow Live Indie Villages Concert Hall
Fierce Studios building in Indie Village,
The Viewing Tower, over Sparrow Live.

INFINITE Objects Gallery Curated by Jess Conatser for Art Week, showcasing "Women of the World" in their rotating exhibition.

Decentral Comedy Club by Decentral Comedy.

NFT Labs Building with Gamified Entry

For more images of #MetaverseARTWEEK be sure to read our previous blog post... HERE Jump into #decentraland and see it yourself, HERE.