Indie Village
is excited to have been selected as a host site for Metaverse Art Week #metaverseartweek #mAW
is taking place in Decentraland from
August 24th to Aug 28th 2022.

Fame Lady Squad are celebrating Year 2
(and taking FLS into female hands!)
With a Concert...

You can also party at Bored Becky's and Fierce Studios.

Indie Village is A cultural playground IN the metaverse where avatars can enjoy virtual experiences combining
art, music, social clubs, and fashion.

Indie Village’s SoHo Row, curated by Jess Conatser of Studio As We Are, will feature works by Breezy Art, theVERSEverse, and more

Token Traxx has entered the metaverse.
Come learn more about how you can “own your sound”

Contemporary and Digital Art Fair (CADAF) Gallery presents #RETOUCHED, curated by Raina Mehler and Olive Allen and available for sale on the #CADAF marketplace.

Infinite Objects presents Women of the World, NFT artwork from talented women from all seven continents.

Low Poly Models is Proud to have Brought you the 3d Modeling Decoration and architecture for this Scene.
For more from #LPM #LowPolyModels we invite you to Click the Link Below.

Very Special Thanks to : Bill Burns - Managing Director {Indie Villages}, Gigi Graziosi Casimiro PR and Event Marketing {#DCL #MAW Lead}, Jess Conatser & Bay Backner {of and}, the art curators for the event. #Decentraland Location: 100,30